Changing contents of TagEditor bilingual file manually

Why to change TTX file manually? TagEditor will let me do all necessary edits. Well, this is not a complete truth.

Sometimes, especially when we work with complex TTX files containing numerous tags, it happens that TagEditor skips a string it considers non-editable, despite we want to work with such string.


“TAG” button should be pressed first.
(Tag can be an image, button name, or whatever else.)

TagEditor may open the translation unit as follows:

(i.e. this double quote is excluded from translation unit)
TAG” button should be pressed first.

Some languages use different double quotes (e.g. Czech lower double quote [?]), so some translators will need the leading double quotes included in the translation unit to be able to work with it and to prevent possible problems when post-processing the bilingual file.

Here is how I solve this issue.

  1. Save and close the bilingual TTX in TagEditor.

  3. Open the TTX using plain text editor, such as Notepad or PSPad.

  5. Search for translation unit containing incorrect character, which has not been included into translation unit. In above example, search for relevant double quote [“].

  7. Replace the character with a correct one, in our case with lower double quote [?].

  9. Save the file and quit Notepad.

When you re-open the TTX in TagEditor and open the relevant translation unit, you will see that segmenting remains incorrect, but the problematic double quote has changed as we wanted.

? (correct lower double quote)
TAG” button should be pressed first.

After cleaning the bilingual file, the resulting clean file will contain desired characters.

Note: This is not a “clean” solution, but works well as a workaround.

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