Converting SDLXLIFF into Word or Excel File

I am often working on medical projects that require a thorough proofreading by a colleague who is a doctor and happens not to have the SDL Trado Studio (obviously, as he is not a professional linguist). This article will teach you how to convert the translated data into Word or Excel file for external editing by individuals not having the Studio, if you do not/cannot use the SDLXLIFF Converter.

The SDL Trados Studio does not offer conversion feature natively. The situation was much easier with older SDL Trados 2007 – you just selected all text in TagEditor, copied, and pasted into Word for proofreading. This is not possible in Studio.

I found a good workaround that will provide you with the necessary file.

  1. Open the Studio and the file you intend to export.
  2. In Editor, select the data in the source column and copy them to clipboard.
  3. Create a new file in Word and paste the clipboard content. Select the pasted data in Word and convert them into table (in Word, Insert > Table > Insert table).
  4. Use the same procedure for creating a table of translated content.
  5. Copy the table with translated content and paste in into the document with table of the source content.
  6. Now you have a file with 2-column table containing the source and translated data.
  7. If you wish, you may convert the Word file easily into an Excel file by simply copying and pasting the content into Excel.

The external proofreader may use such file for validating translation, of course using the Trace Revisions function.

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