After two yest, and for the 10th time in total, I have returned together with my family to Japan to stay at my wife’s parent’s house for two and a half months. The business is steady, maybe a little nit weaker than usual, so there has been some time to do some work on the Tr?ictio Translation Management System.
The pre-release stage has been successfully finished and the system has been rolling for some time. After some testing and debugging, I am preparing for release of the 2nd version of the system with improved GUI and functionalities.
For this purpose, I am still looking for serious testers who would also give a hand (if they wish) for writing a kind of help or manual for the system. The primary audience for the system are freelance translators managing a pool of their own colleagues and small and medium companies. If you do not/cannot spend money for a full-scale system, such as Plunet or XTRF, Tr?ictio will be an ideal solution for you.
Contact me for details; I will be happy to answer your questions.
Cheers from Japan!